Archive for October, 2014

thought bubble
You’ve probably read the adage, “Thoughts become words, words lead to action, actions become character. Character is everything.”

At the root of your character are your thoughts. They are singularly important because everything you do or say starts with a thought. Change your thought patterns and you can literally change your life.

It sounds too simple and it really is. Here is the methodology:

Each time a negative thought comes into your mind, consciously replace it with it’s practical opposite.

When you think,”I’ll never get these sales numbers together by tomorrow, guess my weekend is shot.”
Think, “I know if I ask for help or concentrate on speed and accuracy, I can get these reports together by 5:00.”

Telling yourself you can and how, will give you confidence and clarity. You WILL get it done.

In your personal life, when you think, “No matter what I do, men/women treat me like I don’t matter.”
Instantly replace that thought with, “I’m now concentrating my kindness on people who are kind to me in return, they matter.”

In both cases positive thoughts create confidence that helps you look for opportunities to reach your goal. They put you in the state of mind to see good things ahead and recognize them when they happen.

Thoughts are things. Kick the bad ones out of your mind by filling that space with good things.

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