Archive for May, 2018

fire and ice

Every night is broken by the sunrise.
A rock can stop a ripple.
A sharp knife has a blunt handle.
When we pull a door from the outside, we push it from the inside.

So many things in our life require an opposite to make sense, and so it is with people.
In any company you will find introverted people working in quiet offices writing reports, cleaning, making art or or doing accounting. Extroverted people from the same company are out of the office selling the product, attending events for publicity and putting a face to the fabrication. Both make the company run, in fact, one couldn’t exist without the other.

There is balance in humanity outside of the office as well and only when we becomes separate and unbalanced do we have conflicts.

The next time you are tempted to write someone off because you feel you might have nothing in common with them, take a minute to think about what they might know that you don’t. What can they do that you can’t? What is the harmony they can add to your song? (Perhaps your harmony will perfect their song!)

“Opposites attract.” for some very good reasons.
How attractive are you to your perfect match?

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