Archive for October, 2015

No matter how careful you are, bad things will happen, it’s the price of living.
Your car will need repair, your kids, parents or pets will get sick, and you will have unpleasant discussions with others from time to time.
Knowing that these things happen, and being ready to face them, makes the eventuality a bit less scary.
You can prepare to a certain degree by keeping your car serviced, your house clutter-free and clean and by being nice to other people, but you will never prevent bad things from happening.
The best choice is to prepare for bad things by accepting them as a fluid part of life, move through them with grace, knowing that they pass and just like every other time you’ve been met with misfortune, you will survive.

Life has bumps, but it also has smooth roads and soft landings. Let it happen and revel in the up and downs. Without them, we would never recognize the value of life.

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